Monorepo Project

This is a document outlining merging multiple external repositories into kona to create a rust monorepo for Optimism.


Let's rewind the clock to when kona was just being started in the spring of 2024. What little optimism rust types existed were siloed in applications like op-reth and revm. Library code that could have been re-used was unfortunately placed in an std environment that kona cannot use because the kona fault proof program is built for a minimal instruction set.

Effectively, kona needed a bunch of Optimism-specific and slightly-modified Ethereum types that were available in a no_std environment.

As development started, types were defined in kona. Mostly jammed into the kona-derive crate for use in derivation, these types were now being duplicated across a number of rust repos just to support no_std.

Enter op-alloy. The first effort to de-duplicate types between reth, revm, and kona (as well as periphery applications like magi). Rather than keeping types in kona, op-alloy was introduced as a shared place for no_std compatible optimism rust types. This worked well as a common place to contribute and decoupled the rapid development in kona from the more stable definition of Optimism rust types.

Fast forward to 2025, interop started seriously picking up momentum as a critical project in the Optimism Rust world. Interop introduces a whole host of new Optimism-specific types that really should live in a shared library. But op-alloy was already becoming quite large beyond the minimal, de-duplicated set of types originally intended.

This led to OP folks splitting out Optimism-specific types from op-alloy into a new repo called maili. What was not foreseen was the grievance with yet-another level in dependency chain for Optimism rust projects. Now, downstream optimism rust projects could have to import all of these crates just to construct an OP Stack service:

  • op-alloy
  • maili
  • op-revm
  • op-reth
  • kona

And those are just the Optimism-specific crates, let alone Ethereum crates like alloy.


The current dependency chain is ever growing. A small change in op-alloy cascades into the following.

  • Release op-alloy crates
  • Update maili with op-alloy version and changes.
  • Release maili crates.
  • Update kona to work with both op-alloy and maili crates.
  • Release kona.
  • If something breaks in kona or downstream consumers, repeat.

To iterate faster without needing to manage releases or change dependencies into git refs, this doc proposes a monorepo structure that pulls maili into kona, while retaining maili crate names and versioning.

We propose gone are the days of releasing a single version for all crates. With a larger, more extensive kona monorepo, crates will need to manage their own semver.

To re-iterate: the key takeaway here is current downstream consumers of maili crates will not have to change a thing. Crates pulled into kona will still be published under maili- prefixed crate names. How this is managed while keeping the kona- prefix crate naming consistent is discussed below.

Proposed Repository Structure

The new repository structure would look as follows.

    genesis/   <-- Has Maili Shadow
    registry/  <-- Has Maili Shadow
    protocol/  <-- Has Maili Shadow
    rpc/       <-- Has Maili Shadow
    serde/     <-- Has Maili Shadow


Crates denoted with <-- Has Maili Shadow are ported from maili, but contain a nested crate with the maili- prefix instead of kona- prefix. These crates re-export their kona- equivalent crates. This allows downstream users to not need to change their dependencies to keep using maili- crates! Eventually once the kona monorepo matures, and downstream consumers use kona- crates instead of maili-, these can be removed.

Maili Shadow Example

Let's look at crates/protocol/genesis.

This crate will have a Cargo.toml that defines itself as kona-genesis.

The contents of the crates/protocol/genesis directory will be

  Cargo.toml  <-- = "kona-genesis"
    ..   <-- current contents of `maili-genesis`, ported
    Cargo.toml  <-- = "maili-genesis"
    src/  <-- Re-exports `kona-genesis`

This structure allows us to seamlessly remain backwards compatible, while being able to work in the new kona- crates without requiring heavy lifting to support maili- crates.