Loading a Rollup Config from a Chain ID

In this section, the code examples demonstrate loading the rollup config for the given L2 Chain ID.

Let's load the Rollup Config for OP Mainnet which hash chain id 10.

fn main() {
use kona_registry::ROLLUP_CONFIGS;
use kona_genesis::OP_MAINNET_CHAIN_ID;

// Load a rollup config from the chain id.
let op_mainnet_config = ROLLUP_CONFIGS.get(&OP_MAINNET_CHAIN_ID).expect("infallible");

// The chain id should match the hardcoded chain id.
assert_eq!(op_mainnet_config.chain_id, OP_MAINNET_CHAIN_ID);

Available Configs

kona-registry dynamically provides all rollup configs from the superchain-registry for their respective chain ids. Note though, that this requires serde since it deserializes the rollup configs dynamically from json files.