Transform a Batch into Frames


This example performs the reverse transformation as the frames-to-batch example.


Steps and handling of types with respect to chain tip, ordering of frames, re-orgs, and more are not covered by this example. This example solely demonstrates the most trivial way to transform an individual [Batch][batch] into [Frame][frame]s.

This example walks through transforming a [Batch][batch] into [Frame][frame]s.

Effectively, this example demonstrates the encoding process from an L2 batch into the serialized bytes that are posted to the data availability layer.


The high level transformation is the following.

Batch -> decompressed batch data -> ChannelOut -> frames[] -> bytes[]

Given the [Batch][batch], the first step to encode the batch using the [Batch::encode()][encode-batch] method. The output bytes need to then be compressed prior to adding them to the [ChannelOut][channel-out].


The [ChannelOut][channel-out] type also provides a method for adding the [Batch][batch] itself, handling encoding and compression, but this method is not available yet.

Once compressed using the [compress_brotli][compress-brotli] method, the compressed bytes can be added to a newly constructed [ChannelOut][channel-out]. As long as the [ChannelOut][channel-out] has [ready_bytes()][ready-bytes], [Frame][frame]s can be constructed using the [ChannelOut::output_frame()][output-frame] method, specifying the maximum frame size.

Once [Frame][frame]s are returned from the [ChannelOut][channel-out], they can be [Frame::encode][encode-frame] into raw, serialized data ready to be batch-submitted to the data-availability layer.

Running this example:

  • Clone the examples repository: git clone
  • Run: cargo run --example batch_to_frames
//! An example encoding and decoding a [SingleBatch].
//! This example demonstrates EIP-2718 encoding a [SingleBatch]
//! through a [ChannelOut] and into individual [Frame]s.
//! Notice, the raw batch is first _encoded_.
//! Once encoded, it is compressed into raw data that the channel is constructed with.
//! The [ChannelOut] then outputs frames individually using the maximum frame size,
//! in this case hardcoded to 100, to construct the frames.
//! Finally, once [Frame]s are built from the [ChannelOut], they are encoded and ready
//! to be batch-submitted to the data availability layer.

#[cfg(feature = "std")]
fn main() {
    use alloy_primitives::BlockHash;
    use kona_genesis::RollupConfig;
    use kona_protocol::{
        Batch, ChannelId, ChannelOut, CompressionAlgo, SingleBatch, VariantCompressor,

    // Use the example transaction
    let transactions = example_transactions();

    // Construct a basic `SingleBatch`
    let parent_hash = BlockHash::ZERO;
    let epoch_num = 1;
    let epoch_hash = BlockHash::ZERO;
    let timestamp = 1;
    let single_batch = SingleBatch { parent_hash, epoch_num, epoch_hash, timestamp, transactions };
    let batch = Batch::Single(single_batch);

    // Create a new channel.
    let id = ChannelId::default();
    let config = RollupConfig::default();
    let compressor: VariantCompressor = CompressionAlgo::Brotli10.into();
    let mut channel_out = ChannelOut::new(id, &config, compressor);

    // Add the compressed batch to the `ChannelOut`.

    // Output frames
    while channel_out.ready_bytes() > 0 {
        let frame = channel_out.output_frame(100).expect("outputs frame");
        println!("Frame: {}", alloy_primitives::hex::encode(frame.encode()));
        if channel_out.ready_bytes() <= 100 {

    println!("Successfully encoded Batch to frames");

#[cfg(feature = "std")]
fn example_transactions() -> Vec<alloy_primitives::Bytes> {
    use alloy_consensus::{SignableTransaction, TxEip1559, TxEnvelope};
    use alloy_eips::eip2718::{Decodable2718, Encodable2718};
    use alloy_primitives::{Address, PrimitiveSignature, U256};

    let mut transactions = Vec::new();

    // First Transaction in the batch.
    let tx = TxEip1559 {
        chain_id: 10u64,
        nonce: 2,
        max_fee_per_gas: 3,
        max_priority_fee_per_gas: 4,
        gas_limit: 5,
        to: Address::left_padding_from(&[6]).into(),
        value: U256::from(7_u64),
        input: vec![8].into(),
        access_list: Default::default(),
    let sig = PrimitiveSignature::test_signature();
    let tx_signed = tx.into_signed(sig);
    let envelope: TxEnvelope = tx_signed.into();
    let encoded = envelope.encoded_2718();
    let mut slice = encoded.as_slice();
    let decoded = TxEnvelope::decode_2718(&mut slice).unwrap();
    assert!(matches!(decoded, TxEnvelope::Eip1559(_)));

    // Second transaction in the batch.
    let tx = TxEip1559 {
        chain_id: 10u64,
        nonce: 2,
        max_fee_per_gas: 3,
        max_priority_fee_per_gas: 4,
        gas_limit: 5,
        to: Address::left_padding_from(&[7]).into(),
        value: U256::from(7_u64),
        input: vec![8].into(),
        access_list: Default::default(),
    let sig = PrimitiveSignature::test_signature();
    let tx_signed = tx.into_signed(sig);
    let envelope: TxEnvelope = tx_signed.into();
    let encoded = envelope.encoded_2718();
    let mut slice = encoded.as_slice();
    let decoded = TxEnvelope::decode_2718(&mut slice).unwrap();
    assert!(matches!(decoded, TxEnvelope::Eip1559(_)));


#[cfg(not(feature = "std"))]
fn main() {
    /* not implemented for no_std */