The kona-derive Derivation Pipeline

kona-derive defines an entirely trait-abstracted, no_std derivation pipeline for the OP Stack. It can be used through the Pipeline trait, which is implemented for the concrete DerivationPipeline object.

This document dives into the inner workings of the derivation pipeline, its stages, and how to build and interface with Kona's pipeline. Other documents in this section will provide a comprehensive overview of Derivation Pipeline extensibility including trait-abstracted providers, custom stages, signaling, and hardfork activation including multiplexed stages.

What is a Derivation Pipeline?

Simply put, an OP Stack Derivation Pipeline transforms data on L1 into L2 payload attributes that can be executed to produce the canonical L2 block.

Within a pipeline, there are a set of stages that break up this transformation further. When composed, these stages operate over the input data, sequentially producing payload attributes.

In kona-derive, stages are architected using composition - each sequential stage owns the previous one, forming a stack. For example, let's define stage A as the first stage, accepting raw L1 input data, and stage C produces the pipeline output - payload attributes. Stage B "owns" stage A, and stage C then owns stage B. Using this example, the DerivationPipeline type in kona-derive only holds stage C, since ownership of the other stages is nested within stage C.


In a future architecture of the derivation pipeline, stages could be made standalone such that communication between stages happens through channels. In a multi-threaded, non-fault-proof environment, these stages can then run in parallel since stage ownership is decoupled.

Kona's Derivation Pipeline

The top-level stage in kona-derive that produces OpAttributesWithParent is the AttributesQueue.

Post-Holocene (the Holocene hardfork), the following stages are composed by the DerivationPipeline.

Notice, from top to bottom, each stage owns the stage nested below it. Where the L1Traversal stage iterates over L1 data, the AttributesQueue stage produces OpAttributesWithParent, creating a function that transforms L1 data into payload attributes.

The Pipeline interface

Now that we've broken down the stages inside the DerivationPipeline type, let's move up another level to break down how the DerivationPipeline type functions itself. At the highest level, kona-derive defines the interface for working with the pipeline through the Pipeline trait.

Pipeline provides two core methods.

  • peek() -> Option<&OpAttributesWithParent>
  • async step() -> StepResult

Functionally, a pipeline can be "stepped" on, which attempts to derive payload attributes from input data. Steps do not guarantee that payload attributes are produced, they only attempt to advance the stages within the pipeline.

The peek() method provides a way to check if attributes are prepared. Beyond peek() returning Option::Some(&OpAttributesWithParent), the Pipeline extends the Iterator trait, providing a way to consume the generated payload attributes.

Constructing a Derivation Pipeline

kona-derive provides a PipelineBuilder to abstract the complexity of generics away from the downstream consumers. Below we provide an example for using the PipelineBuilder to instantiate a DerivationPipeline.

// Imports
use std::sync::Arc;
use kona_protocol::BlockInfo;
use kona_genesis::RollupConfig;
use kona_providers_alloy::*;

// Use a default rollup config.
let rollup_config = Arc::new(RollupConfig::default());

// Providers are instantiated to with localhost urls (``)
let chain_provider =
let l2_chain_provider = AlloyL2ChainProvider::new_http(
let beacon_client = OnlineBeaconClient::new_http("".into());
let blob_provider = OnlineBlobProvider::new(beacon_client, None, None);
let blob_provider = OnlineBlobProviderWithFallback::new(blob_provider, None);
let dap_source =
    EthereumDataSource::new(chain_provider.clone(), blob_provider, &rollup_config);
let builder = StatefulAttributesBuilder::new(

// This is the starting L1 block for the pipeline.
// To get the starting L1 block for a given L2 block,
// use the `AlloyL2ChainProvider::l2_block_info_by_number`
// method to get the `L2BlockInfo.l1_origin`. This l1_origin
// is the origin that can be passed here.
let origin = BlockInfo::default();

// Build the pipeline using the `PipelineBuilder`.
// Alternatively, use the `new_online_pipeline` helper
// method provided by the `kona-derive-alloy` crate.
let pipeline = PipelineBuilder::new()

assert_eq!(pipeline.rollup_config, rollup_config);
assert_eq!(pipeline.origin(), Some(origin));

Producing Payload Attributes

Since the Pipeline trait extends the Iterator trait, producing OpAttributesWithParent is as simple as as calling Iterator::next() method on the DerivationPipeline.

Extending the example from above, producing the attributes is shown below.

fn main() {
// Import the iterator trait to show where `.next` is sourced.
use core::iter::Iterator;

// ...
// example from above constructing the pipeline
// ...

let attributes =;

// Since we haven't stepped on the pipeline,
// there shouldn't be any payload attributes prepared.

As demonstrated, the pipeline won't have any payload attributes without having been "stepped" on. Naively, we can continuously step on the pipeline until attributes are ready, and then consume them.

fn main() {
// Import the iterator trait to show where `.next` is sourced.
use core::iter::Iterator;

// ...
// example from constructing the pipeline
// ...

// Continuously step on the pipeline until attributes are prepared.
let l2_safe_head = L2BlockInfo::default();
loop {
   if matches!(pipeline.step(l2_safe_head).await, StepResult::PreparedAttributes) {
      // The pipeline has successfully prepared payload attributes, break the loop.

// Since the loop is only broken once attributes are prepared,
// this must be `Option::Some`.
let attributes ="Must contain payload attributes");

// The parent of the prepared payload attributes should be
// the l2 safe head that we "stepped on".
assert_eq!(attributes.parent, l2_safe_head);

Importantly, the above is not sufficient logic to produce payload attributes and drive the derivation pipeline. There are multiple different StepResults to handle when stepping on the pipeline, including advancing the origin, re-orgs, and pipeline resets. In the next section, pipeline resets are outlined.

For an up-to-date driver that runs the derivation pipeline as part of the fault proof program, reference kona's client driver.


When stepping on the DerivationPipeline produces a reset error, the driver of the pipeline must perform a reset on the pipeline. This is done by sending a "signal" through the DerivationPipeline. Below demonstrates this.

fn main() {
// Import the iterator trait to show where `.next` is sourced.
use core::iter::Iterator;

// ...
// example from constructing the pipeline
// ...

// Continuously step on the pipeline until attributes are prepared.
let l2_safe_head = L2BlockInfo::default();
loop {
   match pipeline.step(l2_safe_head).await {
      StepResult::StepFailed(e) | StepResult::OriginAdvanceErr(e) => {
         match e {
            PipelineErrorKind::Reset(e) => {
               // Get the system config from the provider.
               let system_config = l2_chain_provider
               // Reset the pipeline to the initial L2 safe head and L1 origin.
                      ResetSignal {
                          l2_safe_head: l2_safe_head,
                          l1_origin: pipeline
                              .ok_or_else(|| anyhow!("Missing L1 origin"))?,
                          system_config: Some(system_config),
               // ...
            _ => { /* Handling left to the driver */ }
      _ => { /* Handling left to the driver */ }

Learn More

kona-derive is one implementation of the OP Stack derivation pipeline.

To learn more, it is highly encouraged to read the "first" derivation pipeline written in golang. It is often colloquially referred to as the "reference" implementation and provides the basis for how much of Kona's derivation pipeline was built.


The lore do be bountiful.

  • Bard XVIII of the Logic Gates

The kona project spawned out of the need to build a secondary fault proof for the OP Stack. Initially, we sought to re-use magi's derivation pipeline, but the ethereum-rust ecosystem moves quickly and magi was behind by a generation of types - using ethers-rs instead of new alloy types. Additionally, magi's derivation pipeline was not no_std compatible - a hard requirement for running a rust fault proof program on top of the RISCV or MIPS ISAs.

So, @clabby and @refcell stood up kona in a few months.